What's Included in Our Courses?

  • Interactive Online Lessons
  • On Demand Video Tutorials
  • Downloadable Templates & Resources
  • Lesson Notes
  • Quizzes & Practical Tasks
  • Formally Graded Assessments
  • Lifetime Access
  • A Experienced Grooming Mentor
  • Personalised Feedback
  • 24 Hour Support
  • Membership to our Exclusive Dog Grooming Community
  • Professional Certificate Upon Completion
  • Internationally Accredited by ICOES International Accreditation
  • Option to Receive a ICOES Certificate on Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick and honest answers to our most common questions about our dog grooming courses. Whether you're seeking clarity on our services, exploring our courses or looking for guidance on our learning platform, this is your go-to resource.

Can't find the answer you're loking for? Don't hestitate to reach out to one of our friendly support team on info@vibelearning.com.au.

Our courses provide step-by-step learning led by experienced professionals, all from the comfort of your own home with no placement required. Our interactive lessons, assessments and video tutorials facilitate hands-on learning from home, allowing you to engage with mentors and fellow learners at a pace that suits you.
With bonus unlimited access, you can pace yourself, revisit lessons as needed, and gain practical expertise at your own convenience, all on your own timeframe.

Our commitment to providing affordable courses stems from our unique approach and values. Unlike other providers, we don't allocate resources towards hefty commissions for sales teams. We believe in honest enrolment, ensuring that your learning journey is our primary focus.

Furthermore, our dedication to quality and authenticity is evident in our course content. We take pride in creating all our content in-house, employing a team of education experts who curate, develop, and refine every aspect of our courses. This means that our learning materials are genuine and tailored to provide you with the most valuable insights into dog grooming.

Our commitment to affordability is a key part of our mission, as we believe that financial constraints should not hinder your pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.

In summary, our cost-effective courses are a result of our transparent enrollment process, exclusive in-house content development, and our unwavering dedication to making education accessible to all. 

Believe it or not, dog grooming isn't regulated, meaning that there is no mandated government certificate needed to pursue a grooming career. That being said, acquiring professional training is imperative to equip yourself with the right skills and techniques. This not only ensures that you can deliver a professional standard of work but most importantly safeguards the well-being of animals under your care.

Our course has been carefully crafted by a seasoned grooming educator and guided by professional groomers to deliver the first-hand skills and techniques you will need to become a professional dog groomer. 

What truly matters is learning the correct skills from professionals rather than relying on a qualification. Your dedication to mastering the skills will play a pivotal role in providing a safe and exceptional grooming experience for every client and their dog.

Yes! Our Dog Grooming Diploma and Dog Behaviour and Training Certificate are both accredited by the International Council for Online Educational Standards (ICOES). Having ICOES accreditation guarantees that you will receive a high standard of content that has undergone evaluation by an independent organisation, ensuring it's quality and credibility.

It's important to note that the dog grooming industry is unregulated, meaning that there isn't a mandated qualification required to work as a groomer. This has resulted in a vast array of courses being available, with no one course 'qualifying' you to be a groomer.

Our philosophy is to prioritise your learning experience and provide you with hands-on skills that are relevant and beneficial to you becoming a dog groomer. Our courses are crafted and guided by professional dog groomers who have a deep understanding of the industry. With us, you can trust that you're receiving genuine and effective training that will make a tangible difference in your dog grooming journey.

If you enrol in on of our dog grooming courses and find that it's not the right fit for you, we've got you covered. We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee precisely because we value your satisfaction and want to ensure that our course aligns with your learning goals.
We believe in transparency and honesty, which is why we're committed to making your experience with us a positive one. Your confidence in us matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

No, there's no need to purchase any equipment or tools in order to complete the course. You mentor will assess you via short answer assignment questions.  The practical tasks in the course are optional. If you choose to complete them, you will require basic supplies which you can purchase at a discounted price through our partner supplier Artemis Grooming.

Yes, we've partnered with Artemis Grooming Supplies, one of the top pet grooming supplies distributors in Australia, to offer our students up to 20% off on grooming supplies. So, once you're ready to apply your skills in practice, you can get everything you need at a discounted price if and when you need it.

Yes, you can pay just $25 per week. If you would rather pay fortnightly or monthly, just let us know. Payment plans are interest-free and there are no credit checks.

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