Product reviews for Start Your Own Gift Basket Business

I really enjoyed this course. It offered me a lot of information about going into business and the many things a person should do and consider. The course was fun, and a great learning experience. I liked making a basket and having feed back on the project. The marketing and advertising were interesting as well as making your own web page. I think the course covered a lot of ground for a person who wants to go into this type of business. I hope to do this when I retire.
Verified Student
It was a great course. I truly appreciated the examples for pricing, marketing and the sample lists. They were so helpful.
Verified Student
The information provided by the instructor was timely, clear and plentiful. Resources were some of the best in achieving the tools for a successful business from legal documents, tax filings, purchasing supplies and materials, advertising, shipping and securing payments for the product sold. The instructor has a light hearted but direct manner of teaching. I truly enjoyed this course. The combination of my talent and the course material is a winner.
Verified Student
I enjoyed this course very much and have gained important information that will help me set-up my business to be a success.
Verified Student
This was an excellent and informative course. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about her business. She passed along her wealth of information to her students while going the extra mile to encourage her students.
Verified Student
I really enjoyed the course! I was supplied with beneficial material to learn from and the professor was great.
Verified Student
I found this course to be very interesting, informative and enjoyable. It was easy to follow along and I was surprised as to how well I did creating gift baskets! I am blind and I understood all the instructions to make a gift basket and I am excited to continue with this as a hobby for now. Thanks so much for offering this course.
Verified Student
Was very glad to take this course. It is invaluable for a newcomer as well as others who have been in business before. Thanks.
Verified Student
I would like to thank Ms. Frazier for teaching this course. I have wanted to take one of her classes for several years but I was never able to get to the physical location because of the distance from my home. This course was all I hoped for and more. I feel extremely prepared to begin my own gift basket business. The lessons, resources, discussions and quizzes will serve as a manual for me to refer to for years to come. Thank you again!
Verified Student
Shirley was an excellent instructor. She was very supportive, asked questions, and provided the information and mentoring necessary to start a gift basket business. I hope you will sponsor more classes with her as the instructor. She is a great asset!
Verified Student
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Current employment trends shows that employment in Melbourne has risen by 7.0% over the past 5 years and is expected to grow through 2017. There are currently 35,367 job vacancies in Melbourne. The unemployment rate in Melbourne is 6.0%.

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Source: Labour Market Information Portal, Australia Jobs 2014, Vacancy Report, JobSearch, PayScale