Language Development for Children

Picture of Language Development for Children
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$599 AUD
Quick Facts
  • Delivery Method Online
  • Professional Certificate
  • 24hrs Suggested Study Time
  • 3 Months Access
  • Tutor Support
  • Study On Any Device
  • 5872 Students

Enrich the lives of your children by learning fun and natural ways to help them become proficient speakers and thinkers.

Follow your child's lead and have fun while enhancing language development! In this fun and user-friendly course for parents, teachers, and caregivers, you will discover how children learn to process language and how they become proficient speakers and thinkers. This course will help you enrich your child's life by stimulating his or her continued speech, brain, and language development in an enjoyable, age-appropriate, and natural way.

Courses are delivered to you through expertly executed lessons, online instruction and interaction with like-minded students. Our courses are designed to deliver all of the benefits of studying in a classroom whilst giving you the flexibility to study at a time and place to suit your needs. You can access your classroom 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

This course has a 3 month duration. You'll complete comprehensive lessons, quizzes and assignments before submitting your final exam at the end of the course to achieve your certificate. Courses must be completed within the 3 month access period.

How do children learn language? Play! And not with flash cards, or anything else that you can buy. Children are born with a complete package of language-learning tools. The only accessory they need is you, helping them unlock their natural instincts for language. After reading this first section, you'll be using play and instinct to communicate soundlessly with a newborn, to help him fill his language-building toolbox, and to create a stimulating environment for language development.

Imagine a database of sounds in your child’s brain. Where do these sounds come from? How does she file, sort, and choose to use these sounds to communicate? In today's lesson, we'll look at why her mind is made for these remarkable tasks, and you'll learn straightforward ways you can lend a hand (even in the form of sign language!). This lesson also includes a fascinating overview of brain and mouth anatomy.

You say, “Shelly just said, ‘ball’!” But your friend says, “Nah, that was just babbling.” Who's right? Does something count as a real word if it isn’t pronounced perfectly? In this lesson, we'll explore what makes a word real and how to interpret your child’s patterns of simplifying early language. You'll also start using a journal to uncover the rich potential in your child’s one- and two-word phrases.

Once you understand the mechanics of hearing and understanding, your role in encouraging language can be powerful, simple, and fun! Many caregivers ask at this stage when they should start to worry about language delays. In today's lesson, we'll soothe your concerns by discussing what to watch for, when to seek assistance (and from which type of specialist), and when to stop worrying and keep playing! We'll look through a list of typical first words that you can use to trace your child’s communication explosion.

Can you guess when a baby’s brain grows the most? How do you facilitate this growth? Again, the answer is play! In this lesson, we'll match favorite infant-caregiver games to the neurological functions they stimulate. You'll also learn how language affects the development of thinking skills, just as the function of thinking affects language development. Today we'll explore how to keep this circle of growth cycling.

Your kiddo is talking, but you’re not done yet! Although two-word phrases, such as “get ball” certainly communicate an idea, your child will keep refining his sentences as he grows. Today you'll find out how to help him progress to past tense, contractions, pronouns, and conjunctions. You'll also learn about the fascinating thought processes behind questions. Don’t forget your journal!

Wow–now we have listening, speaking, sounds, words, and sentences. What more is there? Lots! Is it still fun? Does she still need you? Of course! In today's lesson, we'll continue with a few more do's and don'ts for caregivers, emphasizing our favorite learning tool: games!

Expanding on our earlier anatomy lesson, today you'll learn how sounds depend on strong, agile mouth muscles. Before you start thinking about tongue push-ups, remember we always focus on maximizing the opportunities within natural interactions. A discussion of feeding—including your choices of bottles, cups, and straws—is key. We'll answer complex and controversial questions about pacifiers, sippy cups, and thumb sucking, and I'll provide some great tips for easing necessary transitions.

Some sounds sound fun (like boing!), and some sounds feel fun (like zzzzzz). What does this kind of fun teach if it doesn't use precise words? In today's lesson, you'll find out what you're teaching when you encourage your little one to play with sounds. You'll also learn which speech games will help you make the connection from speech to reading.

Now you know that speech, language, and communication are different, but related, topics. Using your knowledge of how sounds make language, in this lesson, you'll learn how language is used to communicate and connect with others. We call this social use of language. Today you'll learn how to help your talker become a conversationalist!

Although children follow similar development processes, no two walk the same path. As more is discovered about learning, the lines between different, delayed, and disability grow foggier. Demystifying these terms is easier when you learn about different learning styles, and when you understand the styles used by you and your child. While you can’t eavesdrop on your child’s thoughts, what you learn in today's lesson will help you help her connect her learning style and her use of language.

Teaching a child the alphabet tends to be our first step toward reading, but is it where literacy begins? While this skill can be gratifying for adults to see, literacy begins in the brain and is nurtured with fun and games. As you've learned about language skills, literacy doesn’t come in a box from the store. When you understand instincts and use them in fun and play, they come from you.

Kt Paxton

Kt Paxton

Kt (Katie) Paxton is a certified teacher with a Master's Degree in Education focusing on Learning and Technology. She has more than 15 years of classroom experience and has been an online instructor since 2003. She also owned and managed a home da... Read more

Read Kt Paxton's Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you've made the payment, we'll send you a confirmation email with a link to start your course. Feel free to get started whenever you're ready!

You'll have 3 months access to your course. In that time you are free to study at your own pace. The course duration is 24 hours.

Online learning is a flexible way to study that fits around your schedule, giving you the freedom to learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world. You'll have 3 months to complete the course and can take the multiple-choice questions and final exam whenever it suits you.

If you need help, you can contact us anytime. You can also join the discussion area where you can interact with other students. The discussion area for each lesson is open for the entire duration of the course.

Of course! We offer a 10-day money back guarantee. As long as you haven't completed the course, you can get a full refund within 10 days of enrolling.

We do not offer extensions or transfers for this self-paced course. However, you will have 3 months to complete the course, and if you need to cancel within the first 10 days of enrolment, we offer a money back guarantee.

The Learning Environment

From the moment that you enrol in the Language Development for Children you will become an integral part of our learning community. You'll find yourself with the freedom to learn at a speed that suits you, on any device, from anywhere in the world. Achieving your career goals no longer has to mean compromising family and work commitments.

Ready to get started?

Enrol Now

Our Values

Learn At Your Own Pace

We believe in personalised learning. That's why we provide all the tools and support you need to succeed at your own pace. With flexible learning, you'll stay motivated and retain more information. Plus, you can balance your studies with work and family commitments to make your dreams a reality.

We Won't Break The Bank

Education should be accessible to anyone who wants to learn. That's why we offer some of the most competitive prices in the industry with payments plans for just $25 per week. Investing in your future is a smart choice and doesn’t have to break the bank.

Industry-Led Courses

There's no better way to learn than from experts with years of experience in your field. That's why each of our 200+ industry-led courses are designed to give you a real-life perspective on your industry. With our expert mentors, you'll learn from people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and who are passionate about sharing it with you.

Get The Personal Support You Deserve

At Vibe Learning, we're real people who are dedicated to providing you with personal support every step of the way. Our industry experts are not only professional and knowledgeable but also incredibly passionate about sharing their expertise with you. With their guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge to help you succeed.

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Check out the following courses related to Language Development for Children:

Decision Making Skills Online Course | Vibe Learning

Decision Making Skills

Picture of Decision Making Skills
Now Only
35% off
$599 AUD
Quick Facts
  • Delivery Method Online
  • Professional Certificate
  • 24hrs Suggested Study Time
  • 3 Months Access
  • Tutor Support
  • Study On Any Device
  • 1797 Students

Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced counsellor and life coach.

Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced counselor and life coach. In this self-paced online course, you'll learn about some wonderful abilities we're born with for figuring things out and making good decisions. You'll also see why our instincts and intuition sometimes deceive us and how self-knowledge can help us guard against becoming overly confident. You'll discover the steps necessary to achieve your goals, as well as the power that ordinary, everyday decisions can have over the quality of your life.

You'll learn how to deal effectively with crisis, how to use your emotions as decision-making tools, and how to work with others to make good decisions. You'll develop some important guidelines for when to take risks, when to trust your luck, and what to do if you make a mistake. The goal of this course is to give you the power to live the best life you can and make the very most of every opportunity.


Courses are delivered to you through expertly executed lessons, online instruction and interaction with like-minded students. Our courses are designed to deliver all of the benefits of studying in a classroom whilst giving you the flexibility to study at a time and place to suit your needs. You can access your classroom 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

This course has a 3 month duration. You'll complete comprehensive lessons, quizzes and assignments before submitting your final exam at the end of the course to achieve your certificate. Courses must be completed within the 3 month access period.

Your brain is amazingly well-equipped with all kinds of tools for making great decisions! Natural skills, such as pattern matching and problem framing, often help you make wise choices. But just owning tools doesn't mean you know how to use them skillfully. In our first lesson, we'll discuss how to make the most of some of your natural abilities and also avoid some common pitfalls, like bias, myopia, and overconfidence.

Did you know that you make decisions virtually every minute of every day, even in your sleep? Just as drops of water, given enough time, can carve out a canyon, all those decisions—even the little ones—will eventually have a huge impact on your life. In this lesson, you'll learn about five kinds of decisions you make every day, as well as the critical difference between actions and intentions!

What's the difference between a goal and a dream? A goal is something you can control through your own efforts, where a dream depends on luck or fate. When you want something, how do you know if it's a dream or a goal? How can you make your wishes come true? You'll find many of the answers in this lesson. We'll talk about short-term and long-term goals, the steps for achieving goals, and how to know when you should change your goals.

In today's lesson, we'll discuss when and how to pay close attention to those little, seemingly unimportant everyday decisions that really do make a difference. You'll learn how to identify three types of decisions—conscious, unconscious, and subconscious—and know when decisions for change need to be made. You'll develop some very useful skills for planning, prioritizing, and dealing with that thief of time, procrastination.

What is a crisis? Is it something that happens outside of you, or is it how you feel? What are the qualities that make a situation critical? How can you make the best decisions possible when time and information are limited but you're under a lot of pressure to take action? Today's lesson will help you cope with uncertainty and prepare for the unexpected. You'll learn techniques that can help you relax and cope better, regardless of what may be happening around you.

Life would certainly be dull if we didn't have feelings! Good feelings—like love, joy, and laughter—give us pleasure. Bad feelings—like confusion, sorrow, and guilt—can help us learn and grow. But feelings often conflict with logic and reason and get us in trouble. How do you know whether to listen to your emotions or ignore them when it comes to making decisions? You'll find some of the answers in this lesson

Like emotions, other people certainly help to make life worth living. But boy—can they ever complicate things when it comes to making good decisions! In this lesson, we'll discuss some important skills for setting good boundaries with others and dealing with disagreement. You'll learn how to develop attitudes that are essential for good relationships and how to work effectively with others to make the best possible decisions.

You've heard the expression "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Sometimes you have to risk a little to gain a lot. But when is it best to go out on a limb, and when is it best to hold on to the trunk? In today's lesson, we'll go over some foolproof guidelines for managing risk. You'll also decide if you're basically a risk-taker, a play-it-safe type, or somewhere in between.

Luck happens. But are we completely at its mercy, blown around on the sea of life by the winds of change? The answer is no! In this lesson, you'll learn how the element of luck affects what you expect from life and how to use that to your advantage. You'll find out how to avoid being misled by superstition and wishful thinking, as well as how to use positive expectations to help steer your life the way you want it to go.

Have you ever made a mistake? Do you expect that you may someday make another one? If so, then the topics we'll explore in this lesson are important! You'll learn about some of the main reasons we make poor decisions, as well as both healthy and unhealthy ways to respond to your own errors. You'll learn how to recover from mistakes, turning them into opportunities to learn and grow.

Habits can be terrific time-savers! They often allow us to do the right thing automatically, without even having to think about it. On the other hand, we all know that there are those other kinds of habits—the ones that lead us to do the wrong things automatically! This lesson will give you power over your own habits as you learn skills for developing good habits and getting rid of the ones you don't need.

Throughout this course, you'll use a journal to help you learn about and practice some good decision-making skills. In our final lesson, you'll learn more about the power of journaling. You'll also get some ideas for how to use other very useful decision-making tools, including notes, lists, and diagrams. Finally, you'll get some good ideas about when to consult experts and when to wing it on your own.

Donna Brown

Donna Brown

Since 1983, Donna Brown has been an individual and family counselor. She's worked with hundreds of individuals and families,
helping them improve the quality of their lives by teaching them how to make reasonable, rational decisions. She's ... Read more

Read Donna Brown's Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you've made the payment, we'll send you a confirmation email with a link to start your course. Feel free to get started whenever you're ready!

You'll have 3 months access to your course. In that time you are free to study at your own pace. The course duration is 24 hours.

Online learning is a flexible way to study that fits around your schedule, giving you the freedom to learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world. You'll have 3 months to complete the course and can take the multiple-choice questions and final exam whenever it suits you.

If you need help, you can contact us anytime. You can also join the discussion area where you can interact with other students. The discussion area for each lesson is open for the entire duration of the course.

Of course! We offer a 10-day money back guarantee. As long as you haven't completed the course, you can get a full refund within 10 days of enrolling.

We do not offer extensions or transfers for this self-paced course. However, you will have 3 months to complete the course, and if you need to cancel within the first 10 days of enrolment, we offer a money back guarantee.

The Learning Environment

From the moment that you enrol in the Decision Making Skills you will become an integral part of our learning community. You'll find yourself with the freedom to learn at a speed that suits you, on any device, from anywhere in the world. Achieving your career goals no longer has to mean compromising family and work commitments.

Ready to get started?

Enrol Now

Our Values

Learn At Your Own Pace

We believe in personalised learning. That's why we provide all the tools and support you need to succeed at your own pace. With flexible learning, you'll stay motivated and retain more information. Plus, you can balance your studies with work and family commitments to make your dreams a reality.

We Won't Break The Bank

Education should be accessible to anyone who wants to learn. That's why we offer some of the most competitive prices in the industry with payments plans for just $25 per week. Investing in your future is a smart choice and doesn’t have to break the bank.

Industry-Led Courses

There's no better way to learn than from experts with years of experience in your field. That's why each of our 200+ industry-led courses are designed to give you a real-life perspective on your industry. With our expert mentors, you'll learn from people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and who are passionate about sharing it with you.

Get The Personal Support You Deserve

At Vibe Learning, we're real people who are dedicated to providing you with personal support every step of the way. Our industry experts are not only professional and knowledgeable but also incredibly passionate about sharing their expertise with you. With their guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge to help you succeed.