Interested in studying a Creative Writing course in Newcastle?

With a population of 5,487,000 people, Newcastle has a strong demand for workers in Creative Writing. Studying Creative Writing with Vibe Learning will see you joining a learning community with like-minded students and engaging with industry experts to learn real world skills.

Are there many jobs in Creative Writing in Newcastle?

Current employment trends shows that employment in Newcastle has risen by 7.0% over the past 5 years and is expected to grow through 2017. There are currently 2,789 job vacancies in Newcastle. The unemployment rate in Newcastle is 8.0%.

What earning potential is there for me in Creative Writing?

The median hourly rate for Creative Writing is $29.28. A career in Creative Writing can expect to earn between $33,345 and $119,200 per year.

What are my career opportunities in Creative Writing?

  • Blogger
  • Travel Writer
  • Article Writer
  • Creativity Coach
  • Writing Coach
  • Songwriter
  • Greeting Card Author
  • Comic Book Writer
  • Novelist
  • Advertising
  • Screenwriter
  • Creative Writing Instructor
  • Ghostwriter
  • Columnist
  • Playwright

Source: Labour Market Information Portal, Australia Jobs 2014, Vacancy Report, JobSearch, PayScale

Product Reviews | Increasing Search Engine (SEO) Positions | Vibe Learning

Product reviews for Increasing Search Engine (SEO) Positions

Enjoyed the course very much! It was my first exposure to on-line education and I was very impressed with the knowledge I felt able to absorb, and the pacing of the classes. Thanks so much.
Verified Student
Good Course. I have taken a number of internet courses. I enjoyed this one too, perhaps more than some.
Verified Student
Good course! Some of the lessons were quite long, but due to the nature of the material probably necessarily so.
Verified Student
Great course! Everything I expected and more.
Verified Student
I really learned a lot from this course. I am in the process of developing another web site which will need to have a very high search position and this class will help me achieve this goal. I didn't realize there was so much to achieving high position ratings. Thank you for all your knowledge and expertise.
Verified Student
I would never have guessed what it takes to achieve top search engine positions. The course was a lot of work, but very helpful to me as I launch a web based business. Thanks!
Verified Student
Thanks, this was very valuable information, not generally available.
Verified Student
The instructor was very knowledgeable and had a great way of expressing the information. He made everything very understandable and did a very good job of using examples to illustrate the lesson information. He was VERY in-depth and thorough on every single topic that was covered. I plan on keeping all of the lessons as a reference guide for the future.
Verified Student
Very good course and teacher. I never realized the amount of work necessary to obtain top search engine results. Assignments were tough but necessary.
Verified Student
My reasons for participating in this course was to understand the workings of search engines and what companies offer in managing your website and it's difficulties...This course has giving me the best understanding of how to optimise and maximize my company's website for the best search results...We had a meeting yesterday with a company who we are considering to take control of this area for us and was surprised that all the information you have given me is exactly what they are using to market/manage of our website.  I felt like I was listening to someone who had just finished your course.  
I am more confident now that I could have the ability to look after this area myself and I thank you for the opportunity to participate in what was an informative and user friendly course.
Verified Student

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