Product reviews for Flash CS5 Intermediate

I just want to thank you for a truly enjoyable and informative course!
Verified Student
I just finished taking the Introduction to Flash course with Mr. Harrel, so I can confidently say: you are going to have a blast in this intermediate course!
Verified Student
Thank you so very much, Mr. Harrel!  You opened my world to new animation skills as well as provided a bright light of entrepreneurial hope in this current bleak economic time.  My very best wishes for your happiness and success.
Verified Student
The instructor was excellent, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! Thank you for stimulating my serious interest into Flash animation.
Verified Student
I just wanted to thank you for these courses.  I've taken both the beginner and intermediate courses, and enjoyed them immensely.  I didn't participate much in the discussions because the lessons were very clear and straightforward.
Verified Student
I feel much more confident in my ability to use Flash.  I hope to use these skills to great effect in the near future.
Verified Student
It was a great class. I learned a lot! I will recommend this class to my friends.
Verified Student