Product reviews for Powerful Business Writing

After taking several types of business courses, I found the Effective Business Writing course the most beneficial to me! Ms. Linquist was always helpful when commenting on assigments and answering questions. I would recommend this course to anyone wanting to make writing easier and getting results!
Verified Student
This is the best writing class I have ever taken! I had a difficult time writing in college, which has continued into my business career. I recently received a promotion, which requires me to email top-level executives. I would sit for hours just typing and deleting. Writing is not second nature yet, but you have given me valuable information to get me well on my way. I appreciate mostly your timely and honest feedback. I will definitely be recommending this class to others. Thank you for developing a class that works.
Verified Student
We have a Winner! The class is perfect for folks who want to refresh and enhance their writing skills. The methods are fun, creative, and instructive. There are so many helpful things: Printer friendly versions of the lessons are a convenient study guide and a valuable reference source; Discussion area is great for interaction and feedback; Quizzes and assignments help you evaluate yourself; Supplementary material exposes you to a wealth of additional information. The experience is challenging and fulfilling. This course is a real confidence builder!
Verified Student
Your class was fantastic! Your enthusiasm, well-organized approach, caring attitude, and effective teaching style all inspired me to become a better writer. You gave me valuable tools to improve my writing skills and instilled confidence in me that by exercising what you taught and with continued practice, I can communicate effectively. And it was all done in an atmosphere of fun. Perhaps most of all, you made me think. Again, thanks, and may all you give be returned to you a hundred fold.
Verified Student
Your six week on-line course has provided more valuable information than eight years of higher education. Beyond the information it has provided motivation and confidence. Proceed to enlighten a few more students. (Not too many, as I do not like competition.)
Verified Student
You taught me more applicable writing skills and tips than any class I’ve ever attended. The lessons were short, useful, practical, and applicable to my daily written communications both personally and professionally. Your format using short chapters with multiples examples of the tips you provided in each lesson made the lessons powerful. I loved the fact you don’t agree with all the writing rules taught such as one-sentence paragraphs. Instead you’ve given me the tools to enjoy writing. I hope you will continue to share your joy of writing with others. You’re an excellent instructor with a natural talent at putting your students at ease and motivating each to do their best.
Verified Student
Excellent course! I actually teach college-level business writing, and was taking this course as a refresher to make sure that I was not teaching outdated material. I found the course useful and informative-- exactly what I was looking for, and sure to help anyone who wishes to improve his or her business writing skills. Thanks so much!
Verified Student
Thank you so much for teaching me to like to write. I couldn’t have completed this class without your consistent feedback and the hard work from my peers. This is my first online class and I felt like I was in a real classroom. I never heard your voice, but as I read each chapter, the words became an imaginary voice. I now cluster and dialogue before I take on any writing assignment. It’s fun, easy, and it helps me think through any problem that may rise.
Verified Student
This business writing class has been very informative and fundamental. For example, I’ve never thought about proofreading a document over and over again. I never even thought to write, leave it alone, and come back to it the next day. I perform each of these strategies and I’ve noticed immediate changes in my writing. Everything makes sense. Now I stay on topic, I include a benefit when necessary, and I tell the reader how to proceed.
Verified Student
I now have the courage and knowledge I need in order to approach any difficult writing piece. I have now mastered some important skills to get best results from my letters and emails. Thanks so much for all your help.
Verified Student
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