Product reviews for JavaScript Fundamentals

I have struggled for years to be able to include JavaScript on my pages without stealing code off of the web and then adapting it for my own purposes. I've read books, taken classes, online tutorials, etc. This class is really making me happy. I purposely type all of the code out myself so that my brain can get used to each piece of code. What's really super helpful is how you explain each line individually so that I can get a grasp of the individual pieces of functionality before I move on. It's working! I'm understanding it and I love it! Thank you so much!
Verified Student
Product Reviews | Understanding Communication | Vibe Learning

Product reviews for Understanding Communication

The subjects covered were very interesting and helpful to my
day-to-day life. The writing style was clear. I really enjoyed this
course. I am pursuing other communication courses!!!
Verified Student
Thank you so much for the opportunity in utilizing this course! I can already see the difference in my ability to communicate well to others and understand and know when and when not to speak or simply wait my turn. This course was wonderful.
Verified Student
Working through this course has helped me recognize many aspects of communication. I found it very informative and have already applied some of the techniques to my daily communications. I especially benefited from the lessons on effective listening and conflict resolution, however, each lesson was of value to me. I truly enjoyed your course.
Verified Student
This course surprised me in that it was very good indeed and not at all what I expected. There are so many courses from which to choose so this choice was really a shot in the dark. I appreciated the history and background and I could see the instructor at the front of the room with a PowerPoint presentation sharing the information. I deal in the clinical area of research and have a clinical background of more than 30 years. I need to deal with scientists who know the science, but cannot apply it to patients. Communication with them is difficult to say the least. I must say that the listening chapter was the most valuable. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to share what I have learned with them at least by example.
Verified Student
I found this course to be extremely helpful have already experienced significant changes in my relationships with people. I would definitely recommend this course to everyone!
Verified Student
I thought that this course was organized and presented in a very efficient manner. I thought the writing style of the lessons were great. I loved the conversational style that they were presented in. It felt like the instructor was actually speaking to us and not reading out of a text book.
Verified Student
Found the course to be interesting and as an individual in law enforcement, it has helped me communicate much better with people from a diverse background.
Verified Student
This was my first online class, so I was hesitant when I registered. It was most beneficial and I have no regrets. I strongly recommend it. The instructor is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much.
Verified Student
Thank you Dr. Laurel for a great course! You have a very interactive and conversational style of writing which prevents the course reading from being boring. Your examples and analogies were easy to grasp and helped with understanding each lesson. I learned a lot in every lesson and have been able to apply what you've taught us to both my personal and professional relationships. This course superseded my expectations and I'm so happy I chose to take it, especially with you as the instructor!
Verified Student
Thank you so much. Because I took this course, I was able to initiate and partake in a conflict mediation resolution to resolve a situation at work. [...] I am fortunate to belong to an organization that promotes interpersonal relations. It was an emotional experience, but I was able to address my concerns and I feel validated as they were legitimate. It was an incredible experience and I achieved success due to taking this course and the Get Assertive course. Thanks again for helping me resolve conflict.
Verified Student

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