Laurie Fuller
Laurie Fuller has been teaching people to use computers, software, and the Internet for more than 15 years—including personally training thousands of students, writing hundreds of training manuals, and authoring and co-authoring more than 30 books on subjects including Microsoft Office, the Adobe Creative Suite, social media for business, and understanding search engine optimisation. Her books include 2,000-page epics that document every button, bell, and whistle, as well as friendlier introductory and troubleshooting books for new users. Her most recent productions include a video series of software skill-building tips, and training guides on using social media for business and non-profit promotion. In addition to writing and teaching, Laurie runs her own firm, Limehat & Company, providing training, marketing, graphic design, and Web development services to clients throughout the world, with a focus on helping growing companies and non-profit organisations build their brand through effective promotions, outreach, and education.