Product reviews for Photoshop Elements 10 Digital Photography

I really enjoyed this course. I used to get quickly frustrated with PSE 10, because I didn't know what to do with all the options. Now I have fun editing my pictures. I have already enrolled in Part 2, and I am very excited to learn more. Big thumbs up!
Verified Student
The course was excellent and the instructors were great. I enjoyed it very much.
Verified Student
Great course to get me started in Photoshop Elements! It's not so intimidating now!
Verified Student
Excellent course! I can't wait to take the next course. The information in this course has been extremely useful and helpful to me in using PSE 10. Thank you very much!
Verified Student
I really like that you include example pictures with your lessons. I printed everything out, so I can quickly page through the class, see an example of the results I'm looking for and follow the directions for that lesson. I’m very happy with this class.
Verified Student
This was my first online course and it was an excellent experience. I will take another in the future
Verified Student
I was just looking for a basic photo enhancement class and I ended up learning so much more! I loved the course and plan on taking what I have learned and getting better at photography and Photoshop Elements. Thanks!
Verified Student
Product Reviews | Mystery Writing | Vibe Learning

Product reviews for Mystery Writing

Every person considering writing any type of fiction should take this course with Steve Alcorn. It contained concise information, writing assignments and quizzes, as well as comprehensive review by the instructor. Mr. Alcorn was in his classroom available for instruction and assistance when it was 2:00 a.m. and I was in my pajamas! The class was strikingly beneficial, fun and up-to-the-minute with instructional responses. He has my highest recommendation.
Verified Student
During the course I wrote a mystery using your guidelines. I finished it last week and sent off a query letter. The publisher has requested the complete manuscript!
Verified Student
Having this course being taught by a published author was immensely valuable. It is great to be taught by someone who has the success and experience, yet can still relate to us beginners and cares that we are successful too. Wonderful!!
Verified Student
I have a novel coming out in June 2007 (thanks to Steve's help), and a mystery in the hands of another publisher, a mystery that never would have been written without his help. I wanted to say thank you.
Verified Student
I really enjoyed taking this course. Steve is excellent. He knows his subject. When I had difficulty grasping a topic, he gave good examples that helped me understand the point he was trying to make. I recommend this course to everyone who has an interest in/or aspires to write mysteries.
Verified Student
Steve Alcorn is an amazing teacher. I took his Advanced Fiction Writing and Mystery Writing courses, in that order, and I learned more in his courses than I did as a creative writing major at an outstanding university. This is by far the best way to learn, and you're learning from a real pro. Thank you Steve - I am working on my mystery and plan to get a book proposal out there within a few months.
Verified Student
Thanks Steve, you're the best! You're a great role model for all of us who dream of being a writer whose readers just can't wait for us to write another best seller! I enjoyed your sense of humor, guidance and best of all your knowledge of the craft, which is without peer. Thanks again for all your encouragement -- it made a big difference.
Verified Student
You know what I liked about your course? My entire home library of books on writing TOLD ME WHAT I needed to do in order to write a book. You SHOWED ME HOW to do it. Thanks a million.
Verified Student
You may be interested to learn that during the course, I developed a novel. Shortly after completing the course, I finished work on the book and submitted it. It has been accepted by a publisher!! Very helpful course.
Verified Student
Run; do not walk, to sign on for Steve's classes. This is the best writing class I ever took, exceeding a college curriculum.
Verified Student
Product Reviews | Managing Difficult Projects | Vibe Learning

Product reviews for Managing Difficult Projects

I have taken 1-3 day seminars and classes, but I don't think I learned as much in those multiple sessions combined as I did in this class. Thanks!
Verified Student
This course was outstanding. It really opened my eyes to see how this course can relate to global projects as well as small business ventures. This information will be vital in the years to come for every project I am related to from here on out. Thank you for putting together a great course. My compliments to the instructor.
Verified Student
This is an excellent course. I have taken several courses in Project Management but this is the first that addresses risk assessment. I have learned a lot while taking this course and have already implemented some of the techniques I have learned in my current project. My team has commented that they like these new changes.
Verified Student
Thank you, Tom.  What an impression your course made on me.  While I'm still trying to incorporate all of the lessons into my daily activities, I know I'm already approaching my role differently and those changes are having a positive impact on the success of my project.
Verified Student
This course is excellent! So good in fact, that it actually should be a requirement for completion of any project management certification program. A simple straightforward way to create and maintain a good rhythm for any project, applying accepted tools and processes. Kudos to the instructor, Tom Meyers, for designing such a worthwhile class. Seasoned project managers could benefit from his tips and strategies.
Verified Student
This course was extremely relevant to the nature of running projects today. Everything has to be done yesterday! It's difficult to put the planning component in place when management just wants it done and sees the time it takes to "plan" as a waste of time. I found the supplementary materials very useful and have downloaded all the templates - they will definitely be used in my next project management assignment! This course was very relevant to today's business.
Verified Student
Throughout the course I was able to apply practices to current project work and share with co-workers. It was an excellent course and I would highly recommend it to colleagues and friends. A huge "thank you" to the instructor, you have made my day-to-day work more streamlined and efficient. I'm looking forward to continuing my PM studies.
Verified Student
Great class!  The concept of high speed project management itself is intriguing, but the supporting detail and insight you present in the course is really impressive.  I would be glad to recommend it to others.  Thank you!
Verified Student
As an acting project manager, I found the course very informative and relevant to my continuing education. The content was well-written, concise, and to the point. I learned more from this 8-week course than I did from several university-level PM courses.
Verified Student
This is the first time I took an Instructor-Facilitated Online Learning, and I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had originally thought that 12 lessons in 6 weeks would be too long considering that we are busy at work and in our personal life... but the 6 weeks went by fast. The lessons and quizzes were very interesting and well-structured, and Tom provided timely feedback to the students in the Discussion section. I will surely make use of what I learnt in this course. Great job, Tom!
Verified Student

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