Product reviews for Photoshop Elements 9 Digital Photography

This course has been very helpful. My pictures look much better because of what I've learned.
Verified Student
This course was very informative and easy to follow. I'm looking forward to Photoshop Elements 9 Part 2!
Verified Student
Thank you for teaching this class. I have had the program for quite a while, but couldn't figure out how to use it. The step-by-step teaching and assignments helped me to learn and understand the different tools, and opened up to me some of what Photoshop Elements can do. Thank you so very much.
Verified Student
I thought this was a great course. I had a book but this just filled in what I questioned in the book I have. This course explained things better so I could understand my tools better.
Verified Student
The course material was concise and easy to follow. The instructors know the software very well and are able to pass that knowledge on to the students. They gave more information than any manual on Photoshop Elements 9. I look forward to taking the sequel to this course and would recommend it to anyone.
Verified Student
Thank you so much. I am new to Photoshop Elements and was lost when I started. I am so grateful for all the help and the experience you have given me. It has made Photoshop Elements so much easier to understand. I will be taking the next step up to learning Photoshop Elements, with Part 2. Thank you again.
Verified Student
Although I have been a fairly avid amateur photographer for years, this was my first exposure to working with Photoshop Elements. It was also my first "online" course experience. Both aspects went far beyond my expectations. The course was written at a level that made me feel comfortable . . . not so technical as to be confusing; yet not so basic as to be "spoon feeding" me. It was clear, precise and, just as importantly, written in a conversational manner, which made it a pleasurable experience. I had several questions during the course, including a real "mental block" on my part. In each instance, the responses were timely, informative and it was apparent to me that the course instructor (Beverly) and the teaching assistant (Eric) sincerely were interested in helping me. Very impressive. I feel that I now have a very strong Photoshop Elements foundation to build upon. While a course such as this could not cover everything that Photoshop Elemelnts can do, it did cover a large sampling of the program. It also gave me the confidence to experiment and try things on my own. Bottom line . . . great experience and looking forward to learning more!
Verified Student
This course was everything I had hoped it would be, and more! I am by no means an expert at this point, but I am very strongly motivated to go back and redo those lessons that did not come easy to me, until I have mastered them! Even though I had to redo some parts of them several times, once I got it, I was thrilled and could hardly wait to move forward. The instructor's approach and language were very comfortable for me to work with; I never felt bad about not understanding something the first time. Her encouragement to do it again was just the right kind of challenge I needed. I look forward to taking additional courses from Beverly Schulz. I would also like to thank Eric for his quick response to a couple of questions I submitted in the discussion format. It was good to know that he and your staff were just a click away to getting help if I got into real trouble. In sum - A GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!!!
Verified Student
I have been trying to teach myself Photoshop Elements since version 3. As with other software, I only learned what I needed immediately and never succeeded in learning to manipulate images with any degree of control or comfort. This course taught me more in six weeks than I learned on my own in six years! The course was very clear, thorough and well-paced for a working adult. I'm signing up for the level II course.
Verified Student
Thank you very much. I have learned so much. I took a course before and I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. I could not understand anything about layers. I had to drop the class. Now after this course I no longer have a great fear of layers. Thank you again. I look very forward on taking another one of your classes.
Verified Student
Product Reviews | Business Analysis Fundamentals | Vibe Learning

Product reviews for Business Analysis Fundamentals

After taking this course, I have a much better idea of what people learn in an MBA program. I can make a better decision about whether I should apply for business school.
Verified Student
I found the course most informative and beneficial to me. I came away with answers to questions I have had for a long time with regard to Business Statistical and Modeling analysis.
Verified Student
I have enjoyed this class; very informative. The class gave me the opportunity to see another side of the business world and see all that analysts do to come up with solutions.
Verified Student
I have no background in business analysis, and this course provided a basic foundation. If I decided to pursue business analysis in more depth, I will at least have been exposed to important concepts and definitions. I will actually be able to apply some of the material directly in my job. Thank you.
Verified Student
The course was relevant and useful in my current position - and enabled me to use the information learned during the course to make real world decisions.
Verified Student
The instructor was thorough, had interesting real world and relevant examples and one could not help but gain some valuable and helpful knowledge.
Verified Student
This course is very usefull to any individual in making business decisions. I also decided to continue my study of Management Science.
Verified Student
This course provided some valuable information that I can use on a daily basis. The instructor's writing style is very easy to comprehend and follow. Thanks for a great experience.
Verified Student
You do an outstanding job of covering the information -- your communication on the topic is just simple enough but just complex enough to bridge the "What?" and the "Why?" and the "How?" of this topic within a 12-lesson span.  Thank you!
Verified Student

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